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Showing posts from September, 2012

Against all odds

All I want now

Có những lúc giá ở gần nhau thì những khúc mắc nho nhỏ, những chống chếnh, chỉ cần một vòng tay là đủ. Xa nhau, chỉ chút giận hờn cũng có thể đấy người ta ra xa thêm.

Life after love

Getting out

A girl reading at Queensland Art Museum

My camera worked its charm today. As I was shooting, a security guy approached me and started talking about his photography. He was actually a professional shooter in Philippine. And then he gave me free admission to the Portrait of Spain exhibition. Great!!

Street performer

I never saw a ballet dancer as a street performer before. Really enjoyed her performance.

Ubiquitous beauty

Spanish needle, this popular wild flower can be found almost everywhere I go. That's why I love it.